These cement critters where left here when we moved to this place a few years ago and I just love them, to some they may be trash but to me they are a part of someones history.
Yes, they are chipped, missing parts, but to me that's what makes them a found treasure. My mind often wonders when I see old things, I think of it's history and the joy they brought to someone else. I wonder if these have had several owners, how old they are or what their origin is, if they could speak what stories they would have to tell.
I'm reminded of this too when I use my Mom's old metal measuring cup she used to measure her sugar for her sweet tea, or when I look at my Dad's dog tags he wore around his neck in World War 11, he served in New Guinea... now they would have a story to tell I'm sure.

It's funny how something so worn and useless to others can become a treasure to us. Do you have any treasures?
A discovery in the boxed memories
forgotten history of childhood,
adolescence, years gone by
pearls in the oyster
treasures in the dark
still places, quiet like the grave
dirty too, with the dust of time
urging me to look further
in the next box
for another nugget
sifted from the stream bed
among the rocks
and the gravel

Lizzy, that was such a beautiful and soulful post! It brought tears to my eyes. I have my Mother's hand-written recipes, her pearls and my Dad's journals...all written in pencil! I wouldn't trade them for the world.
Thank you Mary, what wonderful treasures you have!
Oh certainly, I can relate to this. Anything given to me by a loved one is hard to part with!
I'm a Genealogy enthusiasts. I have traced our family's history, collected old documents, visited old graveyards for tombstone info... I feel that way too. Everybody has a story to tell, and I want to hear them all!
Hi Lizzy! Haven't heard from you in a few days. Are you taking a break from blogging? Are you doing okay?
I'm doing a Friday sketch over on my blog and hope to make it a weekly challenge. I'm hoping to pick design team members from the entries. I'd love it if you'd consider entering!
A lovely post Lizzie...I do have something I treasure...it's my grandmothers alarm clock...it wakes me every morning and the first thing I think of is her...I still miss her. Debbie x
I often wonder about the history of 'old pieces' myself...maybe a book, a building, old dishes...I wish all my found treasures could tell me a story :) Love your blog and thanks for stopping by my blog and becoming a follower :)
I appreciate it :)
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