
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Love is... Closed, I will anounce the winner in the morning

Like a butterfly.... it goes where it pleases & pleases where it goes.

Please read entire post, a surprise is waiting!!

I just love butterflies, dont you? They have a very special meaning to me...
I lost my Mom to Lung cancer, July 17, 2003. In losing her I also lost a part of myself, it'something that forever change you. She was a beautiful woman inside and out, she always put her Family first and rarely thought of herself, which to me was sad. She never complained about anything, I mean anything. I sure didn't  get that from her. ;)
The day we laid my Mom to rest , a butterfly as big as a tennis ball fluttered by and landed on her casket spray, and just rested there during the service. I remember hearing someone behind me gasp. After her funeral we all gathered at our home. We had lived there about 5 years and never before that day had I seen a butterfly in our backyard, as we all gathered on the patio, someone said something and I turned to see why they were all gathering around a bush. There rested on a branch,  a Butterfly identical to the one at the gravesite service. I felt a sense of calm come over me. In the difficult months ahead it seemed a butterfly presented itself to me at times I need reassurance most.
To this day when I see a  butterfly, may it be, real, a picture, on  a card ... I still feel that sense of calm, and a gentle reminder that she will always be with me!

I  just had a thought..... In Honor of my beloved Mom I'm going to make this post a giveway post too...  Ok, UPDATE....Here are the details on this challenge giveaway!
Make a card using buttterflies and post a link using the link button below,  then leave a comment below(include a way for me to notify you) and I will pick a winner on the 28th.
The prize will be a Give A Hoot Cricut cartridge, this cartridge is soooooooo cute!

All paper and ink used is from SU, the butterflies and sentiment and scalloped shape are also SU.


1 Minta's Creations said...

Love this card..the butterflys are just so pretty and I love the sentiment..

2 LadybugCarrie said...

What a beautiful card and a beautiful story. Thanks for sharing.

3 Janet said...

Debi, your story brought me to tears. I lost my mother in law (who was better to me than my own mother) to breast cancer in 2006. The pain of losing someone who you love, admire & respect will never leave, but the memories & pictures of times spent together will last forever. I appreciate you sharing this beautiful, heart-felt story about your mom, I'm sure she was a phenomenal woman!!
I will get working on a card tonight so I can join this great challenge!! I would not mind adding another cartridge to my collection heehee

Hugs & best wishes =)

4 Janie said...

Wow Deb what a wonderfully powerful story ! I know the feeling of loosing someone close to you to cancer ! You dont understand why , why they had to get it and why they could not have been cured ! I lost my Mother-in-law in 2005 to breast cancer. And oh there is not a single day go by that I dont think of her and how much I miss her and wish she were here ! I wish there could have been some sign that she was still around such as you have ! Such a blessing you must feel !! I pray that God sends lots of Beautiful Butterflies your way !!

5 {Raechel} said...

My goodness Miss Deb! What a beautiful representation the butterfly has for you! I definitely want to play along in your beautiful challenge. I am so glad for the peace those butterflies have brought in your life!

6 Unknown said...

precious! i love this story! we love butterflies too- we had a pet named "flutter" who was injured. the boys just loved him and were very careful not to touch his wings at all but let him crawl on them if he wanted. he would sit on their shoulders! very sweet- I think God sends us those types of gifts when we need them most!
tks, kelli

7 Unknown said...

can't wait to make our card! thinking....thinking.....

8 Pat said...

Your story brought tears to my eyes. Losing our Mom is a heartbreak that never goes away completely.

I entered your linky thing. thought I was a follower, but don't see me there. I will fix that.

We are planting a butterfly bush this year. I don't know the right name, but it attracts them. Should grow down there in your part of CA.

Love the card, too.

9 Dalis said...

Debi, I wanted to say that thanks to your story I thought it was perfect for me to add a butterfly to my card. My mom just lost her Aunt and I since I don't live close to her I wanted to send her a card. thanks for the inspiration.

-- dalis
thanks for following me.

10 Unknown said...

What a beautiful story. Butterflies are amazing creatures indeed. Your mom would love the card you made. TFS it with us.
Melissa D

11 Scrappy Mel said...

What a poinant story! My mother passed away in 1999 - it is very difficult to lose a parent, especially when they are gone to soon. Thank you for sharing your story!

I am #2 on the linky, you can contact me thru my blogger profile.


12 Linda Dale said...

I lost my Mom in 2002 and can relate to your story. Memories are here forever and although they don't take the loved ones place they help to get us through. Have you ever though of getting a butterfly bush? It attracts all kinds it is wonderful, easy grow and easy care. Thank you for telling your story. I just found your site today and am posting the card I made today. Of course it has a butterfly.

13 comopark1886 said...

Losing someone close is never easy. having something like this to remind you of the wonderful person your mother was must be so comforting.
I made a tri-fold shutter card with a butterfly stamp. I hope you like it.

14 D said...

What a wonderful story. Thank you for sharing it :)

15 Vivi Martínez said...

Debi, your story really touch my heart. I love butterflies too. Thanks for sharing it with us.
I just post my entry to your challenge.



16 Janis Lewis said...

What a beautiful post. I'm going to make a project for this. My mama loves butterflies. So I always think of my mama too when I see them. She has butterfly jewelry pins on her curtains even. Hugs to you. Love you! :) Janis

17 PinkSugar said...

H i deb, I promised Iwould do. never break a promise as Isaid. Look the way Iuploaded My card ,the resolotion is not very good as iwas warned on screen by facebook and picassa web albums that would happen but I emailed it to you as well as poste to my blog and on facebook. Hope you can read the Hapy Mothers day and the Spring tag at the top. Hope you like it and thanks for sharing your story and thanks for the chance towin. I so would love lovethis cart. ialso accidentally put my post in twice because my blog dashbaord was open and it some how asdded it a second time. Hugs Stacey and you know how to reach me. smiles to ya!!!

18 CricutLvr!! said...

Such a touching story. About 11 years ago, i lost two very dear friends, and the day of their funeral there were 2 butterflies going around the family and it was something that everyone noticed. It was almost as if there was a connection between our friends and the butterflies. And yes, til this day, whenever I see a butterfly I think of them!!! I guess you just never know....

19 JustYolie said...

Precious story Debi. I will post my card in a few minutes.

20 Janis Lewis said...

My card is entered! :) Janis

21 Misty said...

OMG! *Where's a dang tissue? I lost my Tommy when he was 3 to cancer & hummingbirds are my inspiration.

22 jennyplace2 said...

Thank you for sharing your beautiful story about your mother. I also lost my mom to cancer and know just how hard it is. I really feel that those butterflies were a gift from heaven. Thanks for the wonderful challenge. I had so much fun with it.

23 Celeste B. said...

WOW!!!!!! I can't thank you enough for sharing this BEAUTIFUL story!!!!! it really brought me to tears! I had fun creating the card, and I really hope that you like it and it makes you smile!!!!!!!! Thanks again for sharing your card and such a touching story!!!!!

Celeste B.

24 ShersL84bed said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
25 Jacquee said...

Thank you for that beautiful, touching story. I'm going to go give my mom a big squeeze.

jacqueerenfro at yahoo dot com

26 ShersL84bed said...

I loved your story. I had a similar one not long after my grandpa died.
Your story reminded me of it once again. Thank you